Grab your outdoor shoes and go explore the outdoors to find the perfect rock and bring it with you to the hub for a fun and creative craft! And then we will follow it up with some would you rather! Would you rather sit outside in the hot sun or sit outside in the cold snow? Come find out Wednesday, June 16th at 1:30 pm looking forward to seeing you!
Join Zoom Meeting - Wednesday, June 16th at 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm (click the link below) https://cambriancollege.zoom.us/j/95073380015?pwd=bmZ3N3RvSC9UQUtWS0krTU90Qk1jdz09 Meeting ID: 950 7338 0015 Passcode: havefun
The Cambrian DSW led virtual recreation hub is FREE for anyone connected (supports and supported people) to a developmental services agency across Ontario AND Cambrian DSW students past and present!