In celebration of World Laughter Day which happens this week!
Wednesday May 5th, at 6:30 PM EDT – 7:30 PM EDT
Price: Free · Duration: 1 hr We are so lucky to be blessed with the presence of Sudbury's Own Laughter Godess! Suzanne Thibault !
Suzanne will lead us in this incredible feel good exercise practice! Experience the incredible benefits of laughter!
Come laugh with us! No special skills required Join Zoom Meeting at 6:30 pm on Wednesday! Meeting ID: 950 7338 0015 Passcode: havefun The Cambrian DSW led virtual recreation hub is FREE for Cambrian DSW students past and present and anyone connected (supports and supported people) to a developmental services agency across Ontario!
Feel free to connect with us on Facebook: . Here you will be kept up to date on all events (Wednesdays at either 1:30 pm or 6:30 pm - alternating) and will be able to join the fun in our games and conversations in our group.
Sincerely, Cambrian DSW Led Virtual Recreation Hub