Email from Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
We hope this email finds you well and I hope that you are staying safe during these unprecedented times.
As you may be aware, the Government of Canada will be marking National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) from May 30 to June 5, 2021. The theme for this year is “Disability Inclusion 2021: Leaving no one behind.” This week is about highlighting the contributions of Canadians with disabilities and raising awareness of the importance of, and the efforts related to, removing barriers to accessibility and inclusion.
To celebrate this year’s NAAW, we will be hosting a Virtual Town Hall for Youth with Disabilities on June 3, 2021, from 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM (EST) and we are pleased to invite you to attend. If applicable, you may also wish to share this invitation with your youth networks.
The virtual town hall will include a panel of youth leaders from across the country to discuss the key role that youth with disabilities play in working toward a barrier-free Canada, with a focus on their role during and post-pandemic.
The panel discussion will be followed by a Question & Answer session involving the panelists and invited participants.
You could participate in two ways:
As a participant which allows you to ask questions live and tune in on Zoom; or
As an observer which allows you to submit your questions in advance and tune in via Facebook live
This event will be live and fully accessible. It will be held via Zoom and live-streamed through Accessible Canada Facebook.
If you are interested in participating, you may submit your questions in advance via comment on Accessible Canada’s Facebook or Twitter posts by June 1, 2021. To submit a question in ASL or in LSQ, please upload your video to
If you wish to participate live on Zoom please confirm your attendance by replying to this email. A link to the virtual event will be provided to registered participants.
We look forward to your participation.
Kind regards,
Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion